Saturday, May 14, 2011

Post #3

My parents had a serious talk with me and my brother today. It is the year 69 A.D. Both me and my brother have moved out of our family insulae but live on the floors near to them. They told us that because of the and growing danger of Christians in Rome there has been a new symbol created that allows Christians in Rome to communicate with one another and discover who they can trust and who their friends are.

When two strangers meet and suspect that they may both be Christians, one would draw a simple curved line. If the second person recognized the symbol they would draw another curveed line creating the form of a simple fish.
This is a safe way to see whether one was a Christian or not because the symbol is simple to draw and can easily be erased if needed. <><

I pray that with this new way of communication Christians may become safer and feel more connected with one another. May we feel the presence of God among us and may he keep us safe from harm.


  1. How neat! I'll keep that symbol in mind in case I ever get out of jail. I am deeply grieved by your predicament, and I hope you are alright. I would like to remind you of this proverb to keep your spirit high:

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."
    Proverbs 3:5-6, Holy Bible: New International Version

  2. Friend Request: You seem to be the only patrician I have met that will go out of her way to stand up for slaves, you defy the odds of the social classes.You stand up to persecution and that is a major point in my moral belief, would you like to be my friend?

  3. Yes, I gladly accept your friend request. I look foward to talking with you and discussing things in the future.

  4. I am very sorry for you condition, the fire has affected me gravly, my grain supplies have been burned and so has part of my house

    The Early hisory of Rome

    Description: This book tells in general about Roman trade and how roads made trade by land more efficient. (Livy, Published Penguin Books, 1971)
