Monday, May 16, 2011

Post #5

73 A.D
Today is a day for mourning and happiness. It is so strange that both happiness and sadness can be somehow felt at the same time. I gave birth today to beautiful twin girls, which is the cause for rejoicing. Alas, only one survived childbirth. Attilia, one of my beautiful baby girls died only minutes after I conceived her. It seems fit to name her Attilia, because her name means has been lost. Many tears and sobs have been shed for her, and my heart as well as my mind is in disarray. It is so hard to continue on living, but I must care for Corinna my other baby girl; the twin sister of Attilia who lived. As I hold Corinna in my arms, my mother comes in to speak to me. She knows I am in pain and attempting to try and comfort me tells the story of how Caesar's daughter, also named Julia lost not only her baby in childbirth, but herself as well. She tells me that although it is alright to be sad that I must continue on living. I have a newborn baby girl to attend to and a bright motherhood ahead of me.


  1. Dearest Julia, congratulations on the birth of Corinna! I'm sure you are ecstatic about her birth. She truly is a gift from God.

    Although you are happy about Corinna, I can't even imagine what pain you must be going through with the death of Attilia. You can be reassured that she is in heaven with God right now. I would like to offer you a bit of encouragement from one of Paul's letters to the Roman church. It says:

    "We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."
    Romans 5:3-5, Holy Bible: New International Version

  2. We all suffer with you, just rememnber: God is watching out for you.
